2014 Latest EXIN EX0-118 Exam Dump Free Download!

Which of the following are reasons that Home Working can reduce your carbon footprint?
a) It reduces the travel needed to attend meetings.
b) It reduces the paperwork needed for meetings.
c) It reduces the space needed within the office.
d) It reduces the power consumed during meetings.

A.    b and c only.
B.    a and d only.
C.    a and c only.
D.    c and d only.

Answer: B

How much energy is used by monitor when displaying a PC screen saver?

A.    The same as a standard office application.
B.    Half the power of a standard office application.
C.    One third the power of a standard office application.
D.    Twice the power of a standard office application.

Answer: A

Which of the following is the greatest business challenge facing data centres?

A.    The shortened technology refresh cycles of suppliers.
B.    The cost of next generation blade servers.
C.    The ability to manage all data centres centrally.
D.    The increase in data storage requirements.

Answer: D

Which of the following actions make a PC more energy efficient?

A.    Disabling stand-by settings.
B.    Enabling active power management.
C.    Enabling active screen savers.
D.    Disabling CPU throttling features.

Answer: B

Which of the following must be measured when calculating the annual energy consumption of a server?

A.    How long the server takes to shut down and reboot.
B.    The amount of times the system is upgrading in a year.
C.    The energy consumed in different modes of operation.
D.    The operating temperature of the server during peak loads.

Answer: C

Which of the following is a Framework that can be used to implement Green IT systems?

A.    The IT Infrastructure Library.
B.    The Environmental Systems Method.
C.    The Green Data Centre Toolkit.
D.    The Custom Development Framework.

Answer: A

Which of the following is a Framework that can be used to implement Green IT systems?

A.    The IT Infrastructure Library.
B.    The Environmental Systems Method.
C.    The Green Data Centre Toolkit.
D.    The Custom Development Framework.

Answer: A

You are monitoring energy usage in the data centre. Which of the following techniques can you use?
a) Data aggregating.
b) Thermal profiling.
c) CPU throttling.
d) Server metering.

A.    a and c only.
B.    b and d only.
C.    b and c only.
D.    a and d only.

Answer: B
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